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Today is a sad day for America

This is the cover of October 2024 edition of The Atlantic magazine created by Justin Merz based on the visual language of old Ray Bradbury and Stephen King paperbacks to portray a circus wagon on its nefarious approach to the Capital. Something Wicked This Way Comes, Bradbury's 1962 masterpiece was a strong influence about Mr. Dark, who grifts strangers into joining his malevolent carnival.

Today is a sad day for America

A convicted felon enters the White House for the first time in the history of our country.

Our forefathers of the Constitution never thought the American people would vote for a criminal with such nefarious qualities and no soul.  They never imagined that American voters could be so morally and ethically bankrupt and didn’t adopt any provisions in our Constitution to address such an unthinkable scenario. But here we are in 2025 almost 250 years later.

Maybe, the voters who put him there deserve what will happen to them in the next four years or what will not happen. They believed the con he was putting forth even though he proved beyond a doubt in the last eight years that he is a pathological  liar, sexual predator, and a racist. And as philosopher George Santayana, who is credited with saying “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” is now true and happening today.

The featured photo above with elephant in the cage is from the October 2024 cover of The Atlantic magazine and depicts the current Republican party – soul-less, cowardly, and all fearing of the person driving the circus wagon soon to reach the White House. If one opened the cage and forced the elephant out, gave him a conscience and freedom to act on his own, he would turn and stomp, and struggle desperately to get back into the cage. They are truly Trump’s slaves programmed to obey his every whim.

The Trump cancer appeals to the MAGA Republicans and his allies because it addresses a basic, depraved instinct – selfishness. The Republican party is the party of selfishness because they believe they will get what they want supporting Trump – to stay in power, obtain more power, get richer, and do what they want with no accountability. To hell with the voters who put them in office or how much suffering it will instill on the American people and the damage it will do to America and the world.

It’s ironic that Monday is also Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday. Dr. King unselfishly lived and died for Civil rights in this country for all Americans. His dream may be shattered in the next four years.

It is a sad day for America.


This is the cover of October 2024 edition of The Atlantic magazine created by Justin Merz based on the visual language of old Ray Bradbury and Stephen King paperbacks to portray a circus wagon on its nefarious approach to the Capital. Something Wicked This Way Comes, Bradbury's 1962 masterpiece was a strong influence about Mr. Dark, who grifts strangers into joining his malevolent carnival.The October 2024 cover of The Atlantic magazine was created by Justin Merz based on the visual language of old Ray Bradbury and Stephen King paperbacks to portray a circus wagon on its nefarious approach to the Capital.
Something Wicked This Way Comes, Bradbury’s 1962 masterpiece was a strong influence about Mr. Dark, who grifts strangers into joining his malevolent carnival.
It’s fitting that the cover was created by The Atlantic magazine which was started in Boston the spring of 1857 by thinkers, authors, and writers of American letters who fiercely opposed slavery and who believed the free exchange of ideas across ideological lines was crucial to the great American experiment.
The editors believe this is the first cover in its 168-year history that bears no headline or typography because the image speaks for itself.
The Publisher

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