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Book signings are an effective marketing and communications tool, not only for established authors but most certainly for first-time novelists.
For me, a recent local launching/signing event for my first published novel, “Angel’s Truth,” proved to be a learning experience.
I learned that the audience is genuinely interested in what you have to say. And I was pleased by the number and quality of the questions.”Where did you come up with the plot? How did you choose the characters? How did you come up with their names? Is any of this based on fact? How do you go about organizing the narrative? Do you outline? Do you know the beginning, middle and end before you write? How do you go about getting published?”
That’s only a sampling of the questions I got, so be prepared.
The setting I used was a wine and cheese social, very informal, 4 to 5:30 p.m. It worked well. We had a framed table card of favorable Amazon reviews (“Here’s what readers are saying about “Angel’s Truth”) on each table and each person received a custom designed “Angel’s Truth” bookmark that quoted briefly from the book and gave information on where it could be bought. Good friends provided these and they were well received. Whether or not you bought the book, you got a bookmark as a gift and reminder.
I also told them the messages concerning discrimination, mindsets, injustices were ones I had long cared about. Also my belief that the truth often is not obvious — that it takes digging, commitment, persistence, plain old hard work to achieve it.
After being introduced, I spent a few minutes describing what motivated me to write the book. The motivations included my desire to try writing fiction after a long career that mandated all my writing be factual. I also told them the messages concerning discrimination, mindsets, injustices were ones I had long cared about. Also my belief that the truth often is not obvious — that it takes digging, commitment, persistence, plain old hard work to achieve it. And, while the plot is shaped around two vicious murders, I wanted to deliver a satisfying, surprise ending.
I read several passages from the book, starting with the first couple of pages. Because “Angel’s Truth” is a mystery, I selected other sections deeper into the book which pulled them into the plot. I didn’t tell too much, just enough to entice them to read the book and try to figure out who did what and where it was headed. That amount of time for reading passages seemed about right.
Then came the questions – the absolute best part of the afternoon. My advice: Don’t cut these off; make sure you allow enough time to answer any and all questions. And, if/when you know the questioner, personalize your response.
I closed with this final thought.
“Everybody has a story to tell. It may be biographical and of interest to future generations of your family. It may be a detailed narrative or a collection of anecdotes. Or, it may be fiction. Whatever the choice, I challenged them to commit their ideas to paper.”
That resonated because several folks thanked me afterwards for the prompting.
We ended with signing and selling the book. Logistically, I found it worked well to have someone serve as cashier. That allowed me time to personalize each signing.
And, as my mother would say, “Remember the basic of thanking everyone at the beginning and end.”
Bottom line, this initial event for this first-time writer of fiction, was a very satisfying and educational experience. I hope some of the above details will be helpful to you.
Learn more about Bob Irelan in his interview and why he believes truth is so important or follow him on Facebook.
The murder mystery starts when Angel Gonzales is charged with heinous crimes that law enforcement, the media, and most folks in Richmond, Texas, and surrounding communities are certain he committed.
The crimes and trial dwarf anything that has happened in that part of the Lone Star state in anyone’s memory.
When, against all odds, the jury renders “not guilty” verdicts, shock escalates to anger.
In the minds of many, justice has failed, and a brutal criminal is being set free. For Angel and his court-appointed public defender, Marty Booker, being judged “not guilty” isn’t enough.
Together and with help from an unanticipated source, they attempt to prove Angel’s innocence.
In the process, they butt up against prejudice, deceit, and a sheriff and district attorney who put politics, ambition, expedience, and arrogance above responsibility to do their jobs.
It’s a story of horror, hatred, belief, and persistence – a story of a Mexican-American teenager who nearly loses his life on the way to becoming a man.
Outer Banks Publishing Group author Bob Irelan hopes his novel, Angel’s Truth will help people realize that justice is not always applied fairly, especially when it to comes to racial minorities
Angel’s Truth Amazon Reviews pdf
In this interview with Outer Banks Publishing Group author Bob Irelan, he reveals what inspired him to write the novel, Angel’s Truth and hopes to help people realize that justice is not always applied fairly, especially when it to comes to racial minorities.
Writing was a large part of what I did during my career — first in journalism and then in public relations/communications. But, until this book, I had always dealt with facts. Reading fiction was my release and I have always appreciated a story well told. In retirement, I found the time to attempt writing this novel. It’s liberating to shape a story, make it believable, but not be bound by actual happenings. With respect to the plot, I’ve most always rooted for the underdog. For me, the character Angel Gonzales fills that role in his fight for true and lasting justice.
Were the characters inspired by real life people?
Public Defender Marty Booker was shaped at least in part by a public defender I was exposed to years ago as a member of a jury. I was impressed by how hard he worked on behalf of his client, a minority. Angel and the others were creations of my imagination.
You started your career as a journalist and then moved into corporate public relations and communications. How did you research the information for the story? Did you have any experience in the justice system?
I have to admit I didn’t do a lot of research. I lived in Sugar Land, TX, near Richmond, where the story takes place. Those locations and nearby Rosenberg are real but my description of them — most of the buildings, the park, etc. — is made up. I decided to create a setting that would work with the story I wanted to tell. My knowledge of the justice system is limited, but it’s drawn from jury service, a lifetime of reading and viewing courtroom dramas, and having a father who was a lawyer and a U.S. Attorney.
How long did it take you to research and complete Angel’s Truth?
The better part of a year, although I sometimes took breaks of a week or two. I admire writers who discipline themselves to a daily schedule. I’m sure that’s a more efficient approach than the one I followed.
I wanted to make the point that the truth often is not obvious; that finding it takes persistence, commitment and, if you’re lucky, some help from unanticipated sources. I also wanted to remind the reader about how, too often, justice is unevenly applied — especially as it relates to racial minorities. We’re not yet where we need to be as a fully inclusive society. Despite this, I wanted to write a story where hard-fought truth prevails.
Will there be a sequel? Will you write another book?
I’m not sure, but probably. I found the challenge of creating a plot and developing the characters to give it life very stimulating. Also, in writing this first novel, I overcame some personal doubts and uncertainties. For instance, I had not really written dialog before so that took some learning. The reader will judge whether I succeeded.
Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction and why?
I don’t have a preference. l love biographies and works of history. But I also love fiction, especially mysteries and those that include some courtroom drama. I admire greatly those who write well, those who can draw a picture for the reader. I love a book that grabs my attention and leaves me wondering how the heck the author came up with this or that idea.
Who are your favorite authors and did any inspire you to write Angel’s Truth?
I like John Grisham, Mark Sullivan, David Baldocci, Dan Brown, to name a few. I also like historical novels by authors like Ken Follett, Erik Larson, and Anthony Doerr. In my mind, they are all amazing story tellers. And, yes, I drew inspiration from all of them as well as others.
As a first-time novelist, do you have any advice for potential authors starting their first book?
Yes. Just start writing. Don’t wait until you have everything figured out before you start. Don’t be deterred by not knowing at the outset how your story is going to end. Keep writing and see where your imagination takes you. Learn from the words and phrasing of writers you admire. Bounce ideas and text off people whose judgment you respect — those who will tell you if something is good or not. Take breaks when you need to but commit yourself to a finished product. You’ll be glad you did.
Is there anything you would like to add?
Take your time. Don’t rush the process. This was advice I got from an experienced, successful pro, and it proved to be very helpful. Don’t be shy about asking for help. There are a lot of smart people out there willing to hold your hand on this exciting journey.
Angel Gonzales is charged with heinous crimes that law enforcement, the media, and most folks in Richmond, Texas, and surrounding communities are certain he committed.
The crimes and trial dwarf anything that has happened in that part of the Lone Star state in anyone’s memory.
When, against all odds, the jury renders “not guilty” verdicts, shock escalates to anger.
In the minds of many, justice has failed, and a brutal criminal is being set free. For Angel and his court-appointed public defender, Marty Booker, being judged “not guilty” isn’t enough.
Together and with help from an unanticipated source, they attempt to prove Angel’s innocence.
In the process, they butt up against prejudice, deceit, and a sheriff and district attorney who put politics, ambition, expedience, and arrogance above responsibility to do their jobs.
It’s a story of horror, hatred, belief, and persistence – a story of a Mexican-American teenager who nearly loses his life on the way to becoming a man.