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How to get more book reviews on Amazon

Here is an excellent video by Michael D. Butler on how to get more reviews for your book on Amazon. You can find more information on his blog, Beyond Publishing.

Only 65% of the world’s books are purchased through Amazon according to Forbes but that is still a big enough number to smartly utilize their platform.

In this video Michael D. Butler, Best-Selling Author, Publisher and Book Launch Expert shows new and veteran authors HOW to get MORE verified reviews on Amazon without getting slapped and shows what is the tipping point to get Amazon to push your book out to the wold.

On this video we talk about:

  • What makes a review verified?
  • How can I my reviews actually show up on Amazon
  • How can I avoid getting “slapped by Google and Amazon”?
  • What is the MAGIC number for getting Amazon to push my book out to the world?
  • How many book sales on Amazon translate into an Amazon Best-Seller?

Getting Reviews on Amazon is not easy but it is very important if you want Amazon to push you out.



Author Bob Irelan at home

Bob Irelan’s novel, Angel’s Truth, shows that hard-fought truth prevails

In this interview with Outer Banks Publishing Group author Bob Irelan, he reveals what inspired him to write the novel, Angel’s Truth and hopes to help people realize that justice is not always applied fairly, especially when it to comes to racial minorities.

Angel's Truth by Bob IrelanBob, this is your first novel. What inspired you to write it?

Writing was a large part of what I did during my career — first in journalism and then in public relations/communications. But, until this book, I had always dealt with facts. Reading fiction was my release and I have always appreciated a story well told. In retirement, I found the time to attempt writing this novel. It’s liberating to shape a story, make it believable, but not be bound by actual happenings. With respect to the plot, I’ve most always rooted for the underdog. For me, the character Angel Gonzales fills that role in his fight for true and lasting justice.

Were the characters inspired by real life people?

Public Defender Marty Booker was shaped at least in part by a public defender I was exposed to years ago as a member of a jury. I was impressed by how hard he worked on behalf of his client, a minority. Angel and the others were creations of my imagination.

You started your career as a journalist and then moved into corporate public relations and communications. How did you research the information for the story? Did you have any experience in the justice system?

I have to admit I didn’t do a lot of research. I lived in Sugar Land, TX, near Richmond, where the story takes place. Those locations and nearby Rosenberg are real but my description of them — most of the buildings, the park, etc. — is made up. I decided to create a setting that would work with the story I wanted to tell. My knowledge of the justice system is limited, but it’s drawn from jury service, a lifetime of reading and viewing courtroom dramas, and having a father who was a lawyer and a U.S. Attorney.

How long did it take you to research and complete Angel’s Truth?

The better part of a year, although I sometimes took breaks of a week or two. I admire writers who discipline themselves to a daily schedule. I’m sure that’s a more efficient approach than the one I followed.

I wanted to make the point that the truth often is not obvious; that finding it takes persistence, commitment and, if you’re lucky, some help from unanticipated sources. I also wanted to remind the reader about how, too often, justice is unevenly applied — especially as it relates to racial minorities. We’re not yet where we need to be as a fully inclusive society. Despite this, I wanted to write a story where hard-fought truth prevails.

Will there be a sequel? Will you write another book?

I’m not sure, but probably. I found the challenge of creating a plot and developing the characters to give it life very stimulating. Also, in writing this first novel, I overcame some personal doubts and uncertainties. For instance, I had not really written dialog before so that took some learning. The reader will judge whether I succeeded.

Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction and why?

I don’t have a preference. l love biographies and works of history. But I also love fiction, especially mysteries and those that include some courtroom drama. I admire greatly those who write well, those who can draw a picture for the reader. I love a book that grabs my attention and leaves me wondering how the heck the author came up with this or that idea.

Who are your favorite authors and did any inspire you to write Angel’s Truth?Outer Banks Publishing Group author Bob Irelan

I like John Grisham, Mark Sullivan, David Baldocci, Dan Brown, to name a few. I also like historical novels by authors like Ken Follett, Erik Larson, and Anthony Doerr. In my mind, they are all amazing story tellers. And, yes, I drew inspiration from all of them as well as others.

As a first-time novelist, do you have any advice for potential authors starting their first book?

Yes. Just start writing. Don’t wait until you have everything figured out before you start. Don’t be deterred by not knowing at the outset how your story is going to end. Keep writing and see where your imagination takes you. Learn from the words and phrasing of writers you admire. Bounce ideas and text off people whose judgment you respect — those who will tell you if something is good or not. Take breaks when you need to but commit yourself to a finished product. You’ll be glad you did.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Take your time. Don’t rush the process. This was advice I got from an experienced, successful pro, and it proved to be very helpful. Don’t be shy about asking for help. There are a lot of smart people out there willing to hold your hand on this exciting journey.


Angel's Truth by Bob Irelan


Order your copy at the publisher’s special discount of $11.99
List Price: $15.99
5.5″ x 8.5″ (13.97 x 21.59 cm) 
Black & White Bleed on White paper
272 pages
Outer Banks Publishing Group
ISBN-13: 978-0990679080 
ISBN-10: 099067908X 
BISAC: Fiction / Crime



Angel Gonzales is charged with heinous crimes that law enforcement, the media, and most folks in Richmond, Texas, and surrounding communities are certain he committed.

The crimes and trial dwarf anything that has happened in that part of the Lone Star state in anyone’s memory.
When, against all odds, the jury renders “not guilty” verdicts, shock escalates to anger.

In the minds of many, justice has failed, and a brutal criminal is being set free. For Angel and his court-appointed public defender, Marty Booker, being judged “not guilty” isn’t enough.

Together and with help from an unanticipated source, they attempt to prove Angel’s innocence.

In the process, they butt up against prejudice, deceit, and a sheriff and district attorney who put politics, ambition, expedience, and arrogance above responsibility to do their jobs.

It’s a story of horror, hatred, belief, and persistence – a story of a Mexican-American teenager who nearly loses his life on the way to becoming a man.

Koos Verkaik, Outer Banks Publishing GroupAuthor Koos Verkaik

Koos Verkaik has been called the Dutch Stephen King

Reprinted from Smart Marketing for Authors

Interview with Netherlands author Koos Verkaik, who has written and published over 60 titles.  He is currently an Outer Banks Publishing Group author with his four-book children’s series, Saladin the Wonder Horse.

You are a Dutchman. Many of your books are in English. How does that work?

I have written over sixty different titles, both novels and children’s books. I think and write in Dutch, then translate my work. Anthony Policastro from Outer Banks Publishing Group, publishes my series of children’s books, Saladin the Wonder Horse. He can work with my English texts and takes good care of the necessary editing.

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

For me writing is work and work can make you tired. I am used to write till late at night.

Did you evSaladin the Wonder Horse by Koos Verkaiker consider writing under a pseudonym?

I wrote lots and lots of books under pseudonym, mainly to make money. That work has nothing to do with the 60 titles I wrote under my own name, Koos Verkaik. I wrote four novels each month for a publisher/distributor – adventures using different nicknames. My full name is Jacobus Jan Verkaik. One of my pseudonyms is Jan Jacobs. Wrote a series of children’s books under that name: Slimmetje (somewhat like Smarty). It sold over 450.000 copies in The Netherlands only!

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I had only one job in my life, working as a copywriter for a huge agency in Rotterdam. There I learned to write what people want. And my commercial books also gave what people wanted to read. My own novels come straight from the heart and I don’t wrote them for a certain audience. So, in short, I know how to attract attention and I know how to get to the point in a pleasant way.

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

Each novel stands on its own. I have a contract now in the USA with a publisher and a film company for 14 different titles. All stories on itself. In May this year, Righter’s Mill Press, Princeton comes with my novel HIM, After the UFO Crash and in the summer they will publish Dance of the Jester. Both books are also considered for film. And then they will publish 2 to 4 new books each year.
For children I love to write series. Alex and the Wolpertinger will be published in May this year – the first two books from a series of 30.
Outer Banks Publishing Group has published number one of the series Saladin the Wonder Horse, book two is ready for print.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

I was only 18 when my first novel was published. And 16 when I write scripts for comics. It did not change my process of writing. I wrote fast, I still write fast. That first novel was written during a long weekend. 5000 copies sold.

What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

I started writing stories at the age of seven. I was amazed by the fact that I could make all characters act the way I wanted them to do. That gave me a miraculous feeling of power.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

None. All books I ever wrote have been published.

What’s the best way to market your books?

Use all possibilities that the Internet gives you. Never be lazy, take your time to look for new ways, new chances. The world is changing. The Internet makes it possible for me to work with an agent in New Zealand and publishers in the USA. This is an amazing time. Facebook is important, when you are writing. And of course you need your own website.

Bruto, the bear, Joe and Angie from Book 2

Bruto, the bear, Joe and Angie from Book 2, Saladin and Silver

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

I have a personal library containing about 3,000 books. I read lots and lots non-fiction about science, about the paranormal, about everything. And I am always able to find things back; I know exactly in which book I can find what I am looking for. And the Internet is very helpful when you want to do good research.

How long were you a part-time writer before you became a full-time one?

As I told, I have been a copywriter once. I was only 20 then. When I quit, I became an adventurous writer, finding my way in the labyrinth of the publishing world. Writing commercial stuff under pseudonyms, novels and children’s books under my own name. I wrote hundreds of scripts for comic artists, articles for magazines, recorded albums, etc.

How many hours a day do you write?

I am used to get up at half past six and start working at half past eight to about seven o’clock in the evening. And often I work till late and I also work on the weekends. I write children’s books and novels. More than often I write two books at the same time.  All I need is one single idea – that is enough to start writing, I never know how it will end. There is a chaos in my head and I need to put an avalanche of words on the screen or I have to start all over again and concentrate on writing new things. As a boy, I was, of course, not allowed to write to late at night. The bookkeeper of my father’s business knew I had that drive to write after midnight. He gave me a special old light bulb that was used during the Second World War; lights were forbidden then, they could attract bombers. I used the bulb to write at night: a small beam shone down on my paper. Only was able to see it. It was exciting to write my stories in the dark. The old bookkeeper encouraged me to write my stories when I was still a kid.

Can you tell more about the new series Saladin the Wonder Horse?

Book 1: Saladin the Wonder Horse

Angie looks after the horses of Lord Baltimore.
It is a rough time in England, where Prince John sits temporarily on the throne of his brother Richard the Lionhearted.
The girl plunges into wild adventures when she tries to keep a colt out of the greedy hands of the prince. She meets a mysterious knight, who gives her his horse – Saladin, the black wonder horse.
With the two faithful animals, Angie manages to reach the camp of Robin Hood, bringing him an important message.
Silver, the colt she saved, learns quickly from the clever Saladin.
The exciting adventures of Angie, Silver, and Saladin come to a head as the girl resolves to outsmart Prince John.
And of course she cannot achieve that without her special horses … and some very special friends.

Book 2: Saladin and Silver

Angie roams the country that is reigned by the ambitious Prince John.
An encounter with a mysterious knight saddles her with a mysterious horse: Saladin the wonder stallion. This horse reveals himself as the teacher of Silver, her own, silver colored horse. This way Silver becomes a wonder horse as well.
Angie has gone far away from Nottingham and the castle of the prince.
Of course she rides Silver. The beautiful horse is no longer a colt, hardly seems to feel the weight of the young girl and loves to be together with her.
Again Angie meets the most odd people – a tinker, Joe and his bear Bruto and especially the spoiled Princess Wanda, daughter of Prince John, who is after her favorite horse! Angie has become an outlaw and a fugitive: she has to keep Silver out of the hands of the greedy princess!

Book 3: Silver and the Ghost Horse

Again Angie and her wonder horse Silver plunge into the most dangerous adventures. It all starts, when a sly councilor and a giant soldier decide to destroy the camp of Robin Hood. No one knows where to find that camp of Robin and his men. No one, except for Angie! Soon everyone is looking for her and things don’t look good for the girl. But she can count on the help of Silver and Saladin and of her friend Joe and his bear Bruto. And another party is interested in Angie and Silver! A strange man, who calls himself Sultan! And where do these mysterious ghost horses come from? Angie and her horse stay tough. For together they are strong, together they stand tall in a land full of enemies and problems.

Book 4: The Jester of Nottingham

Prince John reigns over England, now his brother Richard Lionheart is not there. He exploits the people and wears Richard’s crown. Everyone fears this mean prince. Except for men like Robin Hood and girls like Angie!
Angie roams the country on the back of her wonder horse Silver and comes across the most odd persons. She runs into knight Rush and his little son Arthur; she meets a merry rat catcher and returns to the camp of Robin Hood. In the meantime, Prince John organizes an election: the man who becomes the Jester of Nottingham is allowed to reign the country for one week. He does not know that King Richard has set foot on English ground again! Angie knows where she can find the king and finds him with Silver and the mighty Saladin.
And the king can use the help of Angie and her wonder horses!

The novels All-Father and Wolf Tears gave him the name of the Dutch Stephen King. Koos was invited by Bill Thompson, the editor of the first Stephen King and John Grisham books. In New York’s Empire State Building. they polished one of his best and most intellectual books: Dance of the Jester that will be published this summer by Righter’s Mill Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.


Learn more about Koos on his website > https://koosverkaik.com

Buy a copy of his book


Koos Verkaik Music: https://soundcloud.com/user-224641692

Koos Verkaik Books: https://readwatchandthink.wordpress.com/tag/koos-verkaik/ 


Weird writing habits of famous authors

Did you know some famous authors have quirky habits

By Jack Milgram of Custom Writing

Sometimes, it’s more than just the outstanding works of famous writers that make us talk about them. It’s also their strange habits that capture people’s attention. See all 20 of them in our infographic.

Weird author idiosyncrancies
Artificial Intelligence graphic

Have writer’s block? Let A.I. help you create that bestseller

From The Six Main Arcs in Storytelling, as Identified by an A.I. by Adrienne LaFrance, published in The Atlantic

Based on author Kurt Vonnegut’s 35-year-old master’s thesis that every story has a narrative shape, a group of researchers from the University of Vermont and the University of Adelaide collected computer-generated story arcs for nearly 2,000 works of English language fiction and classified each into one of six core types of narratives based on what happens to the protagonist.

Cinderella narrative arc

Narrative arc for the classic Cinderella

The researchers’ focus was on the emotional trajectory of a story, not merely its plot. They also analyzed which emotional structure writers used most, and how that contrasted with the ones readers liked best.

They used a collection of fiction from the digital library Project Gutenberg, they selected 1,737 English-language works of fiction between 10,000 and 200,000 words long.

Then, they ran their dataset through a sentiment analysis to generate an emotional arc for each work.

The most-prevalent six narratives the data revealed are:

1. Rags to Riches (rise)

2. Riches to Rags (fall)

3. Man in a Hole (fall then rise)

4. Icarus (rise then fall)

5. Cinderella (rise then fall then rise)

6. Oedipus (fall then rise then fall)

So if you have the proverbial writer’s block consider one of the six narratives to free your story.

Read the rest of the story from The Atlantic>

Kurt Vonnegut explains his thesis of the shape of the narrative.

Outer Banks Publishing Group Happy New Year 2018

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy New Year 2018 from Outer Banks Publishing Group



Outer Banks Publishing Group Author Koos Verkaik

Author Koos Verkaik wants readers be entertained and enlightened

Reprinted with permission by Fiona Mcvie from her blog, Author Interviews.

By Fiona Mcvie

Fiona: Where are you from?

Outer Banks Publishing Group Author Koos Verkaik

Koos Verkaik

I am from The Netherlands, I was born in a small village near Rotterdam.

Rotterdam has one of the biggest harbours in the world. It is said that the inhabitants are ‘born with rolled back sleeves’ – which means that everyone likes to work hard. That’s the spirit I like. I am a writer and work every day and never had a writer’s block.

Fiona: Tell us your latest news.

Outer Banks Publishing Group, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, offered me a contract for my series of children’s books Saladin the Wonder Horse. Four books. The covers are already done. Everything looks splendid. This is what the stories are about:

England, the twelfth century:

Angie, a poor Saxon girl, looks after the horses of Lord Baltimore.

It is a rough time in England, where Prince John sits temporarily on the throne of his brother Richard the Lionheart.

The girl plunges into wild adventures when she tries to keep a colt out of the greedy hands of the prince. She meets a mysterious knight, who gives her his horse – Saladin, the black wonder horse.

With the two faithful animals, Angie manages to reach the camp of Robin Hood, bringing him an important message.

Silver, the colt she saved, learns quickly from the clever Saladin.

The exciting adventures of Angie, Silver, and Saladin come to a head as the girl resolves to outsmart Prince John.

And of course, she cannot achieve that without her special horses…and some very special friends.

Fiona: What inspired you to write the Saladin the Wonder Horse books?Saladin the Wonder Horse by Koos Verkaik

I wrote dozens and dozens of scripts for comic magazines. The drawings were done by Spanish artists. The comics were published all over Europe: The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France… The main publisher asked me to write a series about horses. I came up with Saladin the Wonder Horse.

The publisher decided to print the books in Sweden. They came to The Netherlands by truck: 40.000 paperbacks!

Before Saladin the Wonder Horse, I had written another series for another publisher. The title of the series was Slimmetje, which means as much as ‘Smarty’. It was published by two different companies and more than 450.000 copies were sold in the Netherlands only!

Fiona: How did you come up with the title?

I have always been interested in history. Saladin is a name you will find when you read about the crusades. Fascinating times. I created Saladin, a big black war horse, brought to England by a wounded knight. It is a true wonder horse and little Angie had to take care of him when the knight passes away.

Fiona: Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book?

When you write books, you learn something every day. I often write fantasy, but the stories take place in a normal world. Sometimes in the present, sometimes in the past. Then you have to deal with lots of facts, you must know what you are writing about.

I could not have written Saladin the Wonder Horse without knowing about the middle ages.

Fiona: If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead?

Saladin the Wonder Horse would be a terrific film. The producers and the director must look for a clever girl who is able to ride a horse.

Fiona: Do you have a specific writing style? Is there anything about your style or genre that you find particularly challenging?

I write children’s books and novels. More than often I write two books at the same time. Start writing at half past seven in the morning. All I need is one single idea – that is enough to start writing, I never know how it will end. There is chaos in my head and I need to put an avalanche of words on the screen of my laptop to clear up my thoughts. I feel free when a book is finished, but soon it starts all over again and I concentrate on writing new things. I have written over sixty different titles and hundreds of comic scripts, worked as a copywriter for a big agency, and wrote songs and plays. It just never stops and I am so grateful for that!

Fiona: To craft your works, do you have to travel? Before or during the process?

Love to travel. Mostly by car. From The Netherlands it’s easy to drive to Germany, Austria, Switzerland. But I don’t have to travel for my books. Been to New York – I was invited by Bill Thompson, the editor of the first books by Stephen King and John Grisham. That was a great experience.Outer Banks Publishing Group Koos Verkaik

Fiona: Who designed the covers?

They were done by Maverick Book Services in the Philippines. Publisher Anthony Policastro and I instructed the artist and we received sketches and different ideas. We picked out the best designs. Isn’t that fascinating? I am in The Netherlands, my publisher in the USA, the cover artists in the Philippines and the Internet brings us together!

Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Yes! The message in all of my books is simple: “I hope you will have a good time.”

What I write is pure entertainment. Of course, I have some interesting things to say as well, but that is not the main goal. I just hope that my readers (kids and adults) will enjoy my stories.

Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?

At the age of 7. I filled a pile of notebooks. I was Europe’s youngest scenario writer for comics when I was only 16 and my first novel was published when I was 18 years old.

Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

When I was 16. I had three pages in a weekly for several years. It was fascinating to learn that so many kids in school bought the comics and read my stories.

“As a boy, I was, of course, not allowed to write too late at night. The bookkeeper of my father’s business knew I had that drive to write after midnight. He gave me a special old light bulb, that was used during the Second World War; lights were forbidden then, they could attract bombers. I used the bulb to write at night: a small beam shone down on my paper. Only I was able to see it. It was exciting to write my stories in the dark.”

Fiona: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?  Who is your favourite writer, and what is it about their work that really strikes you?

I always mention Jack Vance when someone asks me about my favorite writers. He was such a good fantasy writer. And Edgar Allan Poe still fascinates me. He remains a mystery and some of his short stories are almost too scary to read…

Fiona: Outside of family members, name one entity that supported your commitment to become a published author.

Will tell you a secret. As a boy, I was, of course, not allowed to write too late at night. The bookkeeper of my father’s business knew I had that drive to write after midnight. He gave me a special old light bulb, that was used during the Second World War; lights were forbidden then, they could attract bombers. I used the bulb to write at night: a small beam shone down on my paper. Only I was able to see it. It was exciting to write my stories in the dark. The old bookkeeper encouraged me to write my stories when I was still a kid.

Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?

Yes, I do. I have always worked at home and could make money by being an editor and a copywriter and that gave me the opportunity to build a career as a writer. With ups and downs! Now I have found a home for Saladin the Wonder Horse and other series of children’s books. Signed a contract for twelve novels with Righter’s Mill Press, USA; they are the owners of Three Corners Entertainment for film and television and all titles are under contract with this film company as well.

Fiona: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in the Saladin series?

Robin Hood and Angie from Saladin the Wonder HorseNot as word. I always read my own work several times, because I write in Dutch and then have to translate it into English. During that process I can change the text as often as I wish. After the translation is done, I am satisfied and nothing had to be changed.

Fiona: Any advice for other writers?

One advice: Go Your Own Way. Which means read a lot, but never imitate your favorite writers; surprise the world with your own style. Every new writer has to find his way in the publishing world. It is not easy, but so what? If you want to become a writer, then write – as simple as that. When you think it is time, you should try and find an agent who is willing to help you.

Fiona: Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

Read the first book of the Saladin series: Saladin the Wonder Horse.

Adults, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers: buy it for your kid or grandchild. He or she will love it. Angie is a hero for girls. And the boys will especially like the brave boy, Joe, and his big brown bear Bruto! That is pure adventure!

Fiona: What book are you reading now?

What We Cannot Know: Explorations at the Edge of Knowledge, from Marcus du Sautoy. A fascinating book about what we will (probably) never know.

Fiona: Do you remember the first book you read?

A Dutch journalist, Fije Wieringa, wrote about that in Penthouse:

“Once I asked the Dutch author Koos Verkaik, whose reputation in the Netherlands is similar to that of Stephen King, which book had influenced him the most in his life. Without losing a second he replied, ‘Alice in Wonderland, that is such a weird and scary book. A lot scarier than any of my own horror and ghost stories.'”

Fiona: What makes you laugh/cry?

I seldom cry. Life itself makes me laugh, because it is a rather cruel joke; we have to deal with consciousness, we know that there is a beginning, there is an end… but I am a very optimistic man and I love to laugh every day.

Fiona: Is there one person, past or present, you would love to meet? Why?

Gerrit Jacobsz, an ancestor from 1720. He is my oldest known ancestor. In Holland, your second name is the one of your father: Jacobsz. It means ‘son of Jacob’. My full name is Jacobus Jan; I would love to shake hands with that man from 1720. I have a lot to tell him and who knows what he can tell me…

Fiona: Do you have any hobbies?

I play guitar. You can find me playing blues here:

Fiona: Imagine a future where you no longer write. What would you do?

Play guitar in a blues band.

Fiona: What do you want written on your head stone?

He refused to leave before the last word was written…

Fiona: Do you have a blog or website readers can visit for updates, events and special offers?



Pre-order your copy of Saladin the Wonder Horse Book 1 at the publisher’s special discount of $8.99

Saladin the Wonder Horse by Koos Verkaik

5.5″ x 8.5″ (13.97 x 21.59 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
132 pages
Outer Banks Publishing Group
ISBN-13: 978-0990679066 
ISBN-10: 0990679063 
BISAC: Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology
Publish date – January 2018



Synopsis’ of The Saladin Series, by Koos Verkaik


Angie looks after the horses of Lord Baltimore.

It is a rough time in England, where Prince John sits temporarily on the throne of his brother Richard the Lionhearted.

The girl plunges into wild adventures when she tries to keep a colt out of the greedy hands of the prince. She meets a mysterious knight, who gives her his horse—Saladin, the black wonder horse.

With the two faithful animals Angie manages to reach the camp of Robin Hood, bringing him an important message.

Silver, the colt she saved, learns quickly from the clever Saladin.

The exciting adventures of Angie, Silver, and Saladin come to a head as the girl resolves to outsmart Prince John.

And of course she cannot achieve that without her special horses . . . and some very special friends.


Angie roams the country, that is reigned by the ambitious Prince John.

An encounter with a mysterious knight saddles her with an even mysterious horse: Saladin the wonder stallion. This horse reveals himself as the teacher of Silver, her own, silver colored horse. This way Silver becomes a wonder horse as well.

Angie has gone far away from Nottingham and the castle of the prince.

Of course she rides Silver. The beautiful horse is no longer a colt, hardly seems to feel the weight of the young girl and loves it to be together with her.

Again Angie meets the most odd people – a tinker, Joe and his bear Bruto and especially the spoiled Princess Wanda, daughter of Prince John, who is after her favorite horse! Angie has become an outlaw and a fugitive: she has to keep Silver out of the hands of the greedy princess!


Again Angie and her wonder horse Silver plunge into the most dangerous adventures. It all starts, when a sly councilor and a giant soldier decide to destroy the camp of Robin Hood. No one knows where to find that camp of Robin and his men. No one, except for… Angie! Soon everyone is looking for her and things don’t look good for the girl. But she can count on the help of Silver and Saladin and of her friend Joe and his bear Bruto. And another party is interested in Angie and Silver! A strange man, who calls himself Sultan! And where do these mysterious ghost horses come from? Angie and her horse stay tough. For together they are strong, together they stand tall in a land full of enemies and problems…


Prince John reigns over England, now his brother Richard Lionheart is not there. He exploits the people and wears Richard’s crown. Everyone fears this mean prince. Except for men like Robin Hood and… girls like Angie!

Angie roams the country on the back of her wonder horse Silver and comes across the most odd persons. She runs into knight Rush and his little son Arthur, she meets a merry rat catcher en returns to the camp of Robin Hood. In the meantime Prince John organizes an election: the man who becomes the Jester of Nottingham, is allowed to reign the country for one week. He does not know that King Richard has set foot on English ground again! Angela knows where she can find the king and looks him up with Silver and the mighty Saladin…

And the king can use the help of Angie and her wonder horses!

Koos Verkaik's books

Netherlands Children’s Book Author, Koos Verkaik signed on

Outer Banks Publishing Group recently signed a four-book contract with Scifi and children’s book author Koos Verkaik of The Netherlands.

Author Koos Verkaik

Author Koos Verkaik

Koos’ Saladin, the Wonder Horse, a four book series, is about a poor Saxon girl, who is given a special horse, Saladin, by a mysterious knight during the turbulent times in 12th century England during the reign of Richard the Lionheart and Robin Hood.

The series will be published in early 2018.

Koos says he developed his own writing voice and that is what makes his books different, according to an interview with Circle of Books.


“My books are different from other writers, they are all typical ‘Koos Verkaik Books’. I love it to make the reader wonder what it is all about and where it will lead to. But I never liked books that end without the reader knowing what it was all about. Therefore I always come up with explanations. Why one should buy them? Buy one of my books and I take you by the hand, lead your through the most insane situations, you will have a great time and after having read the last word, you will say: “Yes, that was worthwhile!” Up to the next Koos Verkaik Book!”

Koos, a ‘Dutchy’ with spunk and an inexhaustible drive and fathomless imagination, is one of the most prolific authors of Scifi and children’s books in The Netherlands. His novels, All-Father and Wolf Tears,  earned him the moniker, the Dutch Stephen King.

He wrote his first Scifi novel, Adolar, in a weekend  when he was 18 years old and the manuscript was published shortly thereafter.

Koos has published over 60 books, both children’s books and novels, many hundreds of comic scripts, and he has worked as a copywriter. He is currently working on several screenplays and new novels.

To read more about Koos and his work visit his website at www.koosverkaik.com or follow him on Facebook.

His most recent interview can be read on authorsinterviews.

Bill Clinton and James Patterson to write a thriller novel

James Patterson and Bill Clinton

Author James Patterson, former President Clinton (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times; Diedre Laird / Charlotte Observer)

Have you heard…former President Bill Clinton and iconic author James Patterson have teamed up to write a novel, The President is Missing, that will be published June 2018.

Alfred A. Knopf and Little, Brown and Company will jointly publish the novel, which represents a rare foray into fiction for a former president, according to the report published in The New York Times.

You can read the rest of the story in the Times here.

Clinton-Patterson novel


    The Mansfield Killings soon to be a major motion picture

    Outer Banks Publishing Group author Scott Fields’ novel, The Mansfield Killings, based on the true story of the horrific murders of the Niebel family in 1948, will be made into a major motion picture in 2018.

    Outer Banks Publishing Group, OBX PublishersProduced by Forbidden Tears Productions of Waldron, Arkansas, the movie will be filmed in Waldron and on location in Mansfield, Ohio and at the historic Ohio State Reformatory (OSR) also in Mansfield, where the story started. The Shawshank Redemption and Air Force One were also filmed at the reformatory.

    Jennifer Anderson-Bounds, owner and producer Forbidden Tears Productions, was chosen as Female Producer of the Year 2016 and won the Humanitarian Award from WIND International Film Festival 2016. She was also awarded 2nd Place in Indie Film Festival 2015, along with a nomination for Best woman filmmaker 2015 in Barcelona.

    Scott Field’s literary agency, Gilbert Literary & Film Agency International of New Zealand, secured the movie contract.

    Scott, who was three years old when the killing spree occurred, said he had dreamed all his life of writing a story that would become a movie. When he heard about the murders, he became obsessed with writing the story into a novel and completed the manuscript in four months.

    When asked about his reaction to the movie deal, Scott said,

    “Without doubt this is probably the most fascinating and exciting thing to ever happen to me! When I was just a little boy, my parents took me to a movie, and instead of wishing that I could be an actor, I wanted to be the guy who wrote the screenplay. It was the beginning of a dream that has been with me for about 60 years. I am not talking about an occasional dream…it was with me practically everyday.”

    “My mother wOuter Banks Publishing Group Author Scott Fieldsas a great writer, but she never pursued her talent. I inherited it but being a Kmart manager and raising a family of three kids, I had no time to write even a short story. Then after 30 years in management, I became a common worker and began to write. After having a few short stories published, I decided that it was time to try writing a novel. Since then I have had 16 novels published, but the dream was still there.”

    He said at times it was difficult to write the novel because the killings were so atrocious and brutal.

    The Mansfield murders was the worst two-week killing spree in Ohio’s history. On the night of July 21, 1948, Robert Daniels and John West, former inmates at the Ohio State Reformatory, entered John and Nolena Niebel’s house with loaded guns. They forced the family including the Niebel’s 21-year-old daughter, Phyllis, into their car and drove them to a cornfield just off Fleming Falls Road in Mansfield. The two men instructed the Niebels to remove all of their clothing, and then Robert Daniels shot each of them in the head.

    The brutal murders caught national attention in the media, but the killing spree didn’t stop there. Three more innocent people would lose their lives at the hands of Daniels and West in the coming week.

    The two parolees were captured after a 14-day manhunt in Ohio when West attempted to shoot it out with police and sheriff’s deputies at a road blockade north of Van Wert, Ohio. West was killed by police and Daniels was captured, tried and convicted.  He was executed in the electric chair on January 3, 1949.

    The Mansfield Killings where the murderers were captured

    The scene at the Van Wert roadblock, where West was killed and Daniels captured while sleeping in the car on the front top rack – July 22, 1948

    Scott Fields tirelessly researched the killings, the capture and trial of Daniels and even interviewed a surviving member of the Niebel family to weave this tragic story bringing the reader back to those dark days in the summer of 1948. What led to these brutal killings, and why was the Niebel family singled-out to be savagely murdered? It has been more than sixty years since the tragedy, and, yet, this question still remains unanswered. The killing spree is not only remembered to this day, but is an important and dark part of Mansfield lore.


    The Ohio State Reformatory

    If you are ever in Mansfield, Ohio, be sure to tour the historic Ohio State Reformatory, the most haunted location in Ohio and one of the shooting locations of The Mansfield Killings.

    Hauntings have been documented over the years by professional paranormal investigators and TV shows on the paranormal, including Syfy’s Ghost Hunters and the Travel Channel’s popular, Ghost Adventures.

    Ohio State Reformatory

    View the informative video about the OSR and its rich history.

    Order a copy of The Mansfield Killings at our bookstore.

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