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Koos Verkaik holding the cover of Heavenly Vision

New 5-star review of Heavenly Vision notes the mastery of the author

Publisher’s Note

Dennis DeRose’s review on Goodreads of Koos Verkaik’s Heavenly Vision will convince you this is a book you must read.

Heavenly Vision Cover on a table

The cover was drawn by Doriano Strologo, an illustrator in Numana, Italy, depicting the main character in the book, the mysterious Raso, the man who had the heavenly vision.

by Dennis DeRose

HEAVENLY VISION is like an out-of-focus jigsaw puzzle but the longer you stare at it, the sharper the image becomes until everything is crystal-clear at the end. Koos knows how to play to the reader as he gently but firmly makes you turn the pages as the action continues from the first page to the last. As you read the last few pages you may shout… NOW I GET IT!

Read the entire review of HEAVENLY VISION on Goodreads.

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